The Gateway is a series of workshop modules and guidebooks to help communities engage in urban transformation and revitalization.
‘Too often, the participants in a development proposal come out of the experience feeling battered and abused. Proponents often wonder what they did to bring the wrath of angry citizens down upon the well-meaning initiative they had intended to improve the community. Citizens are often left with a sense that ‘they didn’t listen to us’ or ‘it was a done deal – the so-called consultation was just for show.’
-Lorne Daniel, founder Rethink Urban & Greater Victoria Placemaking Network
What does the Gateway do?
The Gateway offers a new path to connect people and processes of development to:
- be active in community planning
- recreate the process from within
- expand civic participation and engagement
- confront our fears about the future together
- discover a shared neighbourhood identity
- create safe environments and people-centred dialogue .
How is the Gateway different?
There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution to community development. The Gateway creates the space to discover shared values, capitalize on our collective wisdom and improve our community relationships. It prioritizes compassionate inquiry, social wellness, restorative practice, participatory planning and asset-based development.
Who stands to benefit?
- Neighbourhoods, stratas, renters and homeowners who want safe and inclusive communities.
- People concerned with affordable housing and regional displacement.
- Government housing development and community support agencies.
- Businesses and developers who want to respond to a community-based purpose.
Who can help?
- Government departments and agencies with community mandates.
- Businesses, urban visionaries and philanthropists who desire a bold path to community prosperity.
- Community champions who want to partner in sustainable urban change.
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